Monday, October 27, 2014

Ruby Tuesday

Installing Ruby Plugins

  This is my first time downloading a plugin for Sketchup, so I hope it works out.  You go to Windows>Extension Warehouse>Lib Fredo 6. This led me to a cat-and-mouse game of downloading extension tools from

Teaching Adults

So we are just about to wrap up our first ever semester of teaching adults how to use the 3d printer.  I have learned a lot about the process from doing it.

First off, adults and children alike are equally as amazed when they print out their first object.

Second, people who post to Thingiverse don't really print out their designs often because the resulting objects come out pretty awful.  I can tell you the exact number of times we've had to reprint because people's Thingiverse designs came out wrong: 4.

Third, adults and children alike are equally into painting their finished designs. Makerbot has put out a Replicator that can print in two colors.  Eventually, 3D printing will evolve into a multi-color process, which will eliminate the entire post-printing paint process. I think that will be a loss to 3D printing, because people will lose out on the experience of artistic rendering. 

Friday, October 10, 2014


I received a badge from the Board of Education for presenting a workshop in 3D printing.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Teaching 3D Printing in the Content Area

So today was my first day teaching adults in the Board of Education.  There were a lot of parallels to teaching children and some marked differences. The similarities were that both adults and students were excited when their 3D models printed out.  The major difference was that everyone wanted to keep learning new things immediately and children usually tune out after awhile.