Thursday, August 6, 2015

Those Who Can't Do....Teach

  I am the daughter of a very talented painter. He is not a famous painter, in case you were wondering. However, as a little girl, I would watch him create magnificent paintings out of oil. Then I would look at my own paintings and they wouldn't be as good. So I stopped painting very early on. My father did everything he could to encourage me, but I just got it in my head that I wasn't going to reach his level of expertise so I would stop trying.

This summer, after guiding a hundred students and adults to completing their 3d printing projects of their own, I decided that I should embark on a project of my own. So starting in July, I began a design project in Sketchup. But crippled by fear and insecurity of art, I haven't been able to make much headway. If someone in the class decided to do the same project, I could teach them the tools to execute their designs. If I wanted to do something to show technique, I can get it done quickly. If I wanted to design something based on functionality, I could also do it quickly.  But for myself, I just can't seem to get it done. I am not sure why. I think it has something to do with that 7 year old girl thinking she will never be good as her father in art. 

I have confidence in my technical ability, but when it comes to the art aspect of 3d design, I just crumble. Which is part of the reason why I always stress painting . I want participants in 3d design to appreciate the artistic aspect of design. Even if I am still grappling with my fear of art (which is very real to some people.), 

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